Order Form

Please enter the domain name you wish to purchase or transfer.
Note: We cannot refund orders for incorrectly spelt domain names.

Requirement Details Cost*
Buy domain Register the domain name entered above.
2 years for all domains ending in .UK and 1 year for all other domains.
See our prices
Hosting only Host the domain name entered above.
You will need to alter the DNS settings for your domain name to those provided by us.
Move domain Move the domain name entered above to our registrar or Nominet Tag.
Global domains (non-uk) must be more than 60 days old and be unlocked.
Please read our page on moving a domain name to us before ordering.
Free transfer
for .uk names
Reserve domain only Buy only the domain name (no hosting, email or redirection).
Only use this option if you're reserving the domain and will purchase hosting from us later.
Park/Add to hosting Add (or point) the domain to an existing site already hosted with us.  
Home-Plus hosting 1GB, MySQL, Webmail, PHP, CGI-BIN and more... £48 /year
Advanced hosting Multi-site SSL secured hosting with 2GB space, Webmail, PHP, MySQL and more... £66 /year
Premier hosting 5GB, Webmail, Multi-site SSL business hosting, PHP, MySQL and more... £103 /year
Professional hosting 10GB, Webmail, Multi-site SSL business hosting, PHP, MySQL and more... £175 /year
Pro200 hosting Professional hosting with extra space and bandwidth. £250 /year
Pro-SSL hosting padlock 20GB, professional SSL hosting with dedicated IP address. £290 /year
Reseller-S10 (starter) Create your own hosting packages for up to 10 sites. Easily upgradable. £179 /year
Reseller-G10 hosting Host an unlimited number of sites - 10GB space. £260 /year
Reseller-G15 hosting Upgraded Reseller-G10 hosting with 15GB space. £359 /year
Existing customer Username (if applicable):     Password:

We take Mastercard, Visa, Visa Delta, Visa Electron, Visa Purchasing, JCB, Solo and Switch.
Credit card details can be entered using our secure interface.

I have read and agree to your privacy policy. I'm also aged 18 or over.
I have read and agree to your terms and conditions

*All prices shown exclude VAT (20% for the UK).