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SquirrelMail summary

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SquirrelMail is a full-featured email application. The text below describes the main buttons in SquirrelMail and what they do. This is provided as a summary reference, and not a detailed description of how to use SquirrelMail. If you do not know how to use some of the features, have a look at the SquirrelMail home page.

SquirrelMail functions:

  • Compose - Write a new email message. There are several options available, such as using an address book to choose the recipient(s) of your e-mail, adding attachments, and choosing a signature.
  • Addresses - Stores email addresses of contacts. Click on any email address to create a new email message to that person.
  • Folders - Organize your mail messages into different folders. You can have as many different folder as you want.
  • Options - Set a large number of options on how you use SquirrelMail. Please read the description of a setting carefully before applying it.
  • Search - Search for a particular email message. You can search by any field in the email and search through any folder.
  • Help - Displays the SquirrelMail online help. Please read this help when you have any questions or problems.