cPanel® Hosting

What is cPanel®
Logging in/out
Server information
Change Password
FTP Manager
File Manager
Disk Usage
Password protect directories
Error pages
FrontPage Extensions
Web/FTP Stats
Subdomain Stats
Raw Access Logs
CGI Center
MIME types
Apache handlers
Hotlink Prevention
Index Manager
IP Deny Manager

Editing the search engine template

You can alter the appearance of the search engine template at any time.

To edit the search engine template:

  1. Click on the Setup Search Engine link in the CGI Center area.
  2. Click on the Edit Search Results Template link.
  3. Copy and paste any HTML code that you want into the template to alter it's appearance.
    Warning: Make sure you do not delete the <cgi> tag. This will cause the script to stop working.
  4. Click on the Save button.
  5. Use the Search Query field to test the script.
  6. Upload the finished HTML page.
Testing the Entropy search engine